In the movie I am
Legend (2007), starring Will Smith as Dr. Robert Neville, people all around
the world have become infected with zombie like symptoms causing them to attack
and eat other human beings. These
zombies are unique because they still have a heartbeat. This means that there
is still hope of finding a cure to
bring them back to normal. The infection
started in New York City and is referred to as Ground Zero. Robert Neville
takes it upon himself to find a cure for those who have become infected.
Throughout the movie it is assumed that he is the only one left on earth that
is not infected. He lives in the heart if ground zero with a fortified home
including; explosives, barricades, food, water, electricity, and guns. His
basement includes a hospital like setting with medicine, surgical tools, sterile
equipment and computers. Down here is where Robert Neville performs all his
experiments and tests for different vaccines he believes could be used to cure
those infected. His basement also contains infected rats held in cages in which
he uses for animal testing. When he finds a vaccine that shows signs of curing,
he then must perform human trials. He must find a nest of zombies during the
day because the zombies are harmed by Ultra Violet rays. He captures and knocks
out a young female zombie and takes her back to his basement for testing. Not
knowing at the time, the female he had taken has a mate in which will stop at
nothing to find her. For safety purposes, he handcuffs her to the gurney and
puts her in a holding room which locks from the outside. He takes the vaccine
that appeared to work on the rat and tries it on the zombie. Because the body
temperature of the zombie was so high, the vaccine not only killed the virus
but it also killed the host. He then realizes this and uses ice to cool down
the body temperature in order to make the vaccine more effective.However, Robert is too late when zombies, including the females mate, find his home and break in looking for his love. Before dying, Robert Neville Takes a vial of her blood, which contains the cure in hope of saving the human race.
Dr. Robert Neville was brave enough to put his life on the
line and take the Kantian approach in order to save the human race from
extinction. He was forced with life changing decisions that may have killed him
in the end, but save millions of lives. This selfless act shows that even
through the toughest of times, say a zombie apocalypse, people still have
goodness in their heart. Even though this movie is very fictional is does a
great job interpreting the Kantian approach in the situations that Dr. Robert
Neville is faced with.

Salazar, Heather. "Self-Interest," The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Series on Ethics and Morality, ed. by Robert Fastiggi. Gale Centage Learning, 2013
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